A downloadable Strange tennis


license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/deed.ru

Changes in music : ending has been removed from the music


1. moving the racket with the mouse

2. right-click

3. If the ball flew off the field and no one got a point 4.Just press F5

5. if I'm in the middle of the game neither here nor there, you can drive up to yourself by pressing C or restart via F5

Rules of the game:

1.You must get a point as follows:

1.1. The ball must be hit by the opponent's half

2. The winner is the one who gets 10 points first

3. When playing a match (even if you lose), 200 ¤ is awarded

3.1. When you win, you are credited with another + 500 $

Rules in the game en/ru


Strange tennis.zip 38 MB

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